July 19-20, 2023 | Location: Upper Arlington High School | Columbus, Ohio
Want to help “make learning irresistible”? Registration for the 2023 Summer Institute for Authentic Learning and Leadership is now open! Bring a team (or just yourself) and join us for two inspiring days filled with hope, creativity, collaboration, and innovation where we:
Reimagine education…
Reconnect with the joy of teaching…
Empower students to change the world!
This K-12 conference will help you:
Envision authentic learning and leadership;
Be inspired by the work of others;
Experience authentic instructional strategies;
Commit to next steps.
Most importantly, you’ll find ways to help students connect intellectually and emotionally with their own learning.
Register by April 14 to get our Early Bird discount of $100 off the 2-day conference price!