These are not just trendy words.
This is a statement repeated over and over again from attendees of the Summer Institute and other Partnership events. Most recently, this sentiment was expressed at a Thank You Party held for our Summer Institute Steering Committee Members. Overwhelmingly, our members shared that they were observing:
Tangible instructional changes geared toward authentic learning strategies,
More comradery among teachers and teachers and administrators, and
Teachers and administrators hungry for follow up opportunities to continue the discussion as a result of their teams’ attendance at the Summer Institute in July of 2023.
We are so grateful that the Summer Institute was not just two meaningful days in the summer as we prepared to come back to school, but that it was two meaningful days that served as a launch event to keep the momentum going through the year.

In addition to the impact our Steering Committee members are seeing, we are overwhelmed by the grassroots initiative of this work. Because building and district leadership from a variety of schools in Ohio are willing to sit at the table together, ideate, brainstorm, dream, develop, and implement, we are seeing a regional impact. Let’s do the math. There were 500 attendees last year. If each person implemented new practices that only affected the learning experience of 20 students, that means as a region we are impacting 10,000 students. Our hearts are overwhelmed! A rising tide lifts all ships!