We Offer These Services:
A discovery process that helps schools/districts uncover their shared vision for education and build capacity for implementation and sustainability.
Community Outreach Services
Provide a connection between community agencies and schools engaging in authentic learning strategies. Empower students to be changemakers in their neighborhoods today!
Professional Development
Facilitation of authentic instructional strategies and leadership development that is enjoyable and interactive. All professional development has a product focus and a plan for action.
Youth Leadership Development
When students find passion and purpose in their work, they are ready to make a difference. Through youth leadership activities students are empowered and their skills and confidence are raised.
Real time coaching support for teachers implementing authentic instructional strategies. And executive coaching support to help leaders build actions steps toward change.
Curriculum Development
Learn ways to incorporate authentic learning strategies with the academic content standards.
Graduate/CEU Courses
Learn with like-minded educators from multiple districts. Engage in inspiring collaboration and develop work that can be used right away.
And More!
All support is customized to meet the needs/goals/and desired outcomes of the educators we serve.

Encouraging administrators to lead with vision.
Inspiring teachers to engage hearts and minds.
Empowering students to become experts and changemakers.
Learn how our customized programming inspires educators to prepare students for the “real world” with more diverse and applicable skills, greater confidence, and deeper empathy and insight. By providing authentic learning opportunities, schools can expect gains in academic achievement, social-emotional learning, student engagement, and community involvement.

Making Learning Irresistible With Organizations
Recognize the value of partnering with educators committed to making a difference.

Our Commitment To You:
We will collaborate with you to foster a positive culture that equips your team members with the tools needed to create positive change and embrace a love for learning and teaching.