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You’re Invited! Tallmadge City Schools Virtual Visit and Discussion

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

Educators typically love to visit other schools and classrooms because they see another way of doing something that they already do; or, they get a vision for new ideas they want to try. Some of our best teaching ideas come from observing other classes!  This is why we’re hosting a unique professional learning experience – a virtual visit to an amazing district that made authentic learning a reality for every Tallmadge student!

Tallmadge City Schools Virtual Visit and Discussion

Wednesday, November 13, 4:30-6:00 

At the virtual visit, we’ll peel back the curtain to see and hear from Tallmadge educators about how they did it, why they chose to do it at all grade levels, and what they love about their transformational teaching. You’ll hear stories of shared visioning, portrait of a graduate competencies, PBL, design thinking, and service-learning. We believe in the power of sharing what others do as a tool to cast clarity on our own teaching contexts. 

This virtual visit and discussion will inspire you and the ideas you have for authentic learning in your classroom. An added bonus will be feelings of pride that a school in our backyard, in Northeast Ohio, is doing amazing, powerful, transformational teaching that powers irresistible learning and leadership for all and empowers learners to change the world!

Join us! CEUs will be available.

We’ve asked thousands of teachers two questions at our professional learning sessions over the past 20 years or so; they are: What were your best days teaching?  And what were your best days learning? 

The answers, to both questions, are remarkably similar. They include ideas like choice, optional, competence, flexibility, feelings of joy, tailor-made, engaging, and authentic.

We believe our curriculum and learning experiences should be as simple as the answers to these questions, connecting what we know matters for “best learning” and “best teaching” to the content and skills that prepare learners for a purposeful, interest-based future and a world that helps all of us thrive.

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