Join us in welcoming Kristin as the Assistant Director for Professional Learning. As a member of the Professional Learning team, along with Ellen Erlanger and Kathy Meyer, Kristin brings a wealth of expertise and experience to support Partnerships mission of supporting authentic learning and leadership in schools and school districts. We’ll let Kristin introduce herself in her own words.

Hi. I'm Kristin Bourdage, a teacher, design thinker, and a partner in professional learning and leadership to all. I also love being outdoors, adventuring, cooking for friends and family, and enjoying an abundance of flowers on the back deck!
I am beyond excited about this new chapter in my extraordinary 30 years in education, and I'm grateful for a path in our profession that has inspired a mission to contribute to our communities with teaching and learning. I am also grateful for the variety of opportunities and projects that have defined my purpose. I got my start in the federal migrant education program as a college student, and it has been exciting since -- Spanish adult literacy, middle school teaching and Title I Reading, teaching English learners, teaching new teachers in literacy methods, literacy coaching, research in literacy, dialogic teaching, and professional learning, grant projects in project-based learning, teaching language learners, 21st century skills, and a writer, co-authoring a book and dozens of other texts.
“My mission is simple and clear to me -- when we partner with teachers and support them fully with our hearts and minds, our learners, families, and communities will always get the outcomes they deserve! ‘Teachers first’ in our designs and decisions. Always. Sustaining our profession may need this more than anything else.” – Kristin Bourdage
Most recently, I've been an Olentangy Local Schools district administrator in curriculum and teaching, supporting the following initiatives: designing and implementing instructional coaching models, developing an MTSS process at the secondary level, and co-designing and scaling new academic vocabulary and secondary social studies inquiry curriculum.
I've also partnered with teachers in four different countries, multiple states, and dozens of districts in Ohio! I feel so proud and honored to share this wonderful profession with all the thousands of teachers with whom I've collaborated throughout my career.